

現今科技以驚人的速度不斷發長,「日新月異」已不足以形容秒速的世界。近來ChatGPT掀起了熱門話題,學生可以借AI完成功課嗎 ?甚麼職業可能會被AI取代 ? AI會否發展出自我意識 ? 一連串沒完沒了的問題。

作為中學生,當然需要在大數據、AI的年代把握學習時機,不斷提升個人的技能和知識,才可在未來的競爭中佔據優勢。喬布斯(Jobs Steve)曾說:「Stay hungry, stay foolish.」,這句話鼓勵我們保持對知識的渴望和好奇心,也要有願意冒險的勇氣,跳出傳統思維的框架,勇於嘗試,不懼失敗。




April 2023

In today's world, technology is advancing at an astonishing speed, and the phrase 'changing rapidly' is no longer sufficient to describe the constantly evolving technological landscape. ChatGPT has recently become a hot topic, and students are wondering if they can use AI to complete their classwork, which professions might be replaced by AI, and whether AI will develop self-awareness, among other endless questions.

Students should seize the opportunity to learn in the age of big data and AI, constantly improving our skills and knowledge to gain an advantage in the future competition. Steve Jobs once said, "Stay hungry, stay foolish," which encourages us to maintain a thirst for knowledge and curiosity, as well as the courage to take risks, think outside the box, and not fear failure.

In comparison to mastering advanced technological knowledge, personal qualities and character are even more important. These include abilities such as innovation, communication, leadership, and collaboration, which are beneficial in dealing with various challenges in daily life. Good interpersonal relationships and being empathetic are also the foundation of a happy life. Technology is only a tool and means, which requires the support of personal qualities to play a positive role.

It is hoped that students will cherish the opportunity to learn, cultivate their character, maintain harmonious relationships with others, and enjoy the life that God has given us.


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